6/2010 – 1/2012

Freelance Developer at James Caird Asset Management, London
Cross Asset (Front Office) Calypso 9.3
  • Lead Development and Analysis
  • Workflow Rules, Static Data, RiskRunner, System optimization, Upgrade to Calypso Version 11.1
  • Oracle, SQL, Java, Development on Windows XP

2/2010 – 6/2010

Freelance Developer for Calypso, London at Gazprombank, Moscow
Equities and Fixed Income (Front and Back Office) Calypso 11.1
  • Lead Development and Analysis
  • Workflow Rules, Accounting, SWIFT Confirmations, Bloomberg Static Data (Bonds and Equities), Regulatory Reporting, ERS Credit & Limit Services, Quick FIX Trade Feed Order Management
  • Technologies: Apache FOP PDF Rendering (cyrillic fonts), Java Web Start Client, XML/XSLT Transformation, JAXB XML, Test Driven Development, MQ Series Connector, Subversion
  • Oracle, SQL, Java, Development on Windows XP and Vista, Linux Red Hat Server