1/2013 – now
Freelance Developer and Analyst at COMAC Capital LLP, London
Cross Asset Calypso 11.0 (Middleoffice and Frontoffice)
- Architecture, Optimisation, Enhancement and Analysis
- Areas: Interfaces, System Optimisation, Build-Management, Support, Static Data, Workstation, Workflow Rules
- Optimisation of build managment and continuus integration using Maven and TeamCity
- Introducing standard tools of software development for metrics and static code analysis (Findbugs, Checkstyle, PMD, Metrics)
- Rectification of the programming bugs found using the static code-analysis tools
- Optimisation of the COMAC specific database customisation (50% purge of storage due to inefficient customisation)
- Implementation of an export and import interface for MarkIT Trade Manager (Central Counterparty Clearing)
- Implementation of an import interface for swap and CDS trades feeding from a SEF platform facilitating central counterpary clearing (TRADEWEB)
- Oracle 11g, SQL, Java, system and development on Windows 7