4/2015 – 12/2015
Freelance Developer and Analyst for Erste Bank, Vienna, Austria
Cross Asset Calypso 12.4 (Middle office, Front office and Risk Platform – 2 Instances)
- Analyse and optimisation of the Value At Risk Platform
- Improving the process and run times by usage of multi threading and application of advanced storage solutions
- Analyse and optimisation of the calculations (pricer) on the distributed grid architecture in relation to market and static data
- Migration of Calypso 12.4 to 14.3
3/2015 – 4/2015
Further Education
- Agile Project Management, APMG Foundation and Practitioneer
2/2015 – 3/2015
Freelance Business and Technical Analyst for Credit Du Nord, Paris
FX/MM, Calypso 14.2 (Front and Back office)
- Analysis and estimation for various business areas in preparation for the migration of the frond and back office systems CALYPSO 14.3
1/2015 – now (ongoing)
Further Education
- Coursera.org – Data Scientist Specification
- Coursera.org – Android Programming with POSA (Pattern Oriented Software Architecture)