9/2005 – 2/2007
Further Education
Securities & Investment Institute’s (SII) Diploma
- The Securities & Investment Institute (SII) Diploma is the UK’s leading postgraduate finance qualification and covers the areas of securities, investment, compliance, derivatives, corporate finance and operations. Get more information at the website of Securities & Investment Institute Introduction to the SII Diploma.
- The following two modules were choosen:
- – Bond and Fixed Interest Markets
- – Financial Derivatives
2/2005 – 8/2006
Freelance Developer for The Royal Bank of Scotland, London
CMPP Phase II (enhancements) – Enhancement and optimisation of the settlement system for fixed income by means of CALYPSO
- Upgrade of CALYPSO Version 6 to CALYPSO Version 7 patch 7
- Optimisation of Oracle Stored Procedures for reporting
- Enhancement of EOD with a process for direct delivery of the group risk system with sensitive and time critical data
- Diverse Optimisations in the EOD processing
- Oracle 9, SQL, Java 1.4, eclipse, CVS, Rapid SQL, TestDirector; development on Windows NT and SunOS